Since the release of the final collection “Ninjaspark Are Fucking Dead” in 2011 the band consisting of Jim Knutsson and Linus Wadström has been dead and buried. Their music still lives on with a constant following and after finding a treasure chest of old recordings and unreleased material a brand new collection has been compiled – enter “Riktiga Robotar Dör Inte (Outtakes & Oddities)”.
The release date is set to 2020-02-20 and friends of lofi 8-bit chip tunes with energy will not be disappointed!

- Dansmattan
- Do You Wanna Be Our Fjortisgirl?
- Rör Inte Vår Kompis (vs. Yeah Someday)
- Du Är Discot I Mitt Hjärta (Val Venosta Remix)
- Riktiga Robotar Dör Inte (Carl Remix)
- Arcturas Isslott
- Pilotloop
- Danskjävlar (Calis Correction)
- Rastasafari
- Bengt Frithiofsson Är Vår Guru
- La Cité des Enfants Perdus (vs. AMbandet)
- Lo-Fi in Outer Space
- Lustiga Huset